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How it Works

AI nCall

Contact Center

A disruptive AI technology

The Contact Center Simulator (CCSim) is hosted on the Amazon Cloud and is powered by the worlds most advanced voice recognition and artificial intelligence technologies.  CCSim is an online, web based application that is available 24/7 through any computer connected to the Internet.


Customer Service Representatives (CSR's) can login to the simulator from any location approved by the contact center, with their unique user name and password using the Google Chrome browser. 


For best results the simulator should be accessed using a high quality headset and microphone with CSR's speaking to our AI-Customer Bot in a relaxed natural tone of voice.


The simulator enables CSR's to engage in natural customer service conversations with our AI-Customer Bot as if they were talking with a real-world customer.  In the event that the CSR mis-speaks then the AI-Bot will immediately inform the CSR and ask them to rephrase their response. 


How it works
sign up



FREE 30 day Simulator trial

The Contact Center Simulator is available to all contact centers who have partnered with the Fix The Future Alliance.


You may trial CCSim free of charge for 30 days



We offer four plans suitable for small medium or large contact centers. Each plan is assigned a number of accounts and data streams. One account is assigned and used by a single CSR. Each plan is assigned a number of data streams or interactions between the CSR and the bot and speech recognition. Additional accounts or data streams are available on request.


Small:        50 Accounts – 25,000 streams -                $99

Medium:    100 Accounts – 50,000 streams -              $150

Large:        500 Accounts – 250,000 streams -            $499

Enterprise:  Unlimited Accounts – 1,000,000 streams -  $999




Contact centers can deploy their own scripted conversations within the simulator and if desired we can modify the user interface of the simulator to match the contact centers own software. The simulator can be set to require CSR's to strictly follow a given script, or tolerances can be built into the script to enable the CSR to add their own words into the conversation.


Sign Up

To organize a demonstration and receive a FREE 30 day demo account please contact:


Fix The Future Alliance

C/O Philippine Normal University,

Mr. Fred Lewis, Extension Fellow

0917 805-9283




Contact Center Simulator

AI Tutor

Communicating in English can be quite challenging for CSR's who speak English as a second language.  Learning English can be especially challenging when ESL learners are limited to primarily speaking English with another ESL learner, which can lead to reinforcement of poor speaking habits.


Hiring native English trainers to provide one-to-one English tutoring to ESL learners is the best solution, but is cost prohibitive especially for large numbers of CSR's! However, through recent advancements in speech recognition and AI technology, CSR's can now learn English from a virtual native English teacher.  



Our Contact Center Simulator features the unique capability of enabling CSR's to simultaneously practice their, speaking, listening and writing skills and do it all while carrying on a natural conversation with a simulated customer.  The artificially intelligent customer-bot listens to CSR's and speaks to them in real-time, and responds to their questions in a natural American or UK sounding voice. While the AI-customer bot is speaking to the CSR it's words are also displayed for the CSR to read. CSR's can review their own spoken words and also listen to recordings of their conversations.


The simulator also has a reporting feature that provide administrators with a report and transcript of their CSR conversations, as well as a recording of the conversations.


AI Tutor

In the event that the CSR experiences issues with their English mastery while in the simulator, we provide an AI Tutor that assists the CSR's with pronunciation and other English skills. The AI Tutor enables CSR's to practice speaking vowels, diphthongs as well as difficult sounds, words, and sentences. Our AI Tutor provides instant feedback to CSR's and informs them if they are pronouncing the sounds and words correctly. CSR's can also listen to a recording of their spoken sounds and words.

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